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Tuesday 7 July 2015

basic linux/unix terminal commands

linux/unix are the open source operating systems that allow user to access everything free of cost.
most of the work in these type of operating systems is done by terminal,a command shell

down below are some commands that are used in terminal

1.(A)  ls = to view contents in a directory
ls -a = to view hidden contents

1(B) ifconfig = to view mac address , ipv4 and ipv6 address

1. cd = to change path between directories

cd / destination       
to go back in directory you can type cd ..
to go next directory type cd ./directoryname
to go some other directory type cd /path from root

2. exit = to close the terminal = allow to login as super user which has the access to each content of os

 type su then root password

4.chmod = is used to give permission to access by user

chmod 777 /desktop/cp.txt  will give read,write and executable permissions to all

for more help about chmod go this link

5.mkdir = is used to create a diretory

mkdir /desktop/directory name

6. touch = to create a file

touch /filepath/filename = to view content of file

cat /filepath/filename

it can't edit the file = to edit the file

vi /filepath/filename

to insert,add or delete  press i
to save and exit press esc and :wq
to exit without saving press esc :x


how to find dns server on linux host

it is very easy to find dns on dns host terminal 
2.login as root user (type su press enter and enter your root password )
3.once you logged in then type :
 cat /etc/resolv.conf

then it will shows nameserver1  
which is actually your dns 

Friday 3 July 2015

how to create a network on virtual machine in centos host

Managing services using SysVinit

Before you start, if you are more familiar with the chkconfig or service commands, you may wish to review the SysVinit to Systemd Cheatsheet. Boot up your Centos host system, login with your learn id and use Firefox to authenticate yourself on SENEnet so you can download and install new software.

Open a terminal window and su to root (or use sudo before each command).  Ensure your system date and time are correct, and that your system is up to date by issuing the following command:

sudo yum -y update

Now boot up your VMs, log in, and update them too.  You will want to be able to communicate with your machines using ssh.
Check the ip address of the virtual machine by running the following command on each one. 

ip address show

Start the ssh service on the virtual machine. Also set the service to start automatically when the machine boots. 

sudo systemctl start sshd

Enable sshd to start at boot 

sudo systemctl enable sshd

Use ssh to connect from your host to the virtual machine.

You will be prompted to store the virtual machine's identification. Choose yes. This allows your machine to store a 'fingerprint' of the machine you are connecting to. From now on, when you connect to that machine, it will compare the fingerprint you have stored to the one available on that machine. If you connect to a machine and that fingerprint has changed, it is often an indication that something has gone wrong.

Reboot the virtual machine and check the status of your ssh service.

Testing Connectivity

In order to allow easier access to each of your VM's, we will configure them to use a static IP address using the sample configuration provided below. centos1 should use the first available address in the subnet (the second assignable IP, as network manager uses the first assignable for the host), centos2 the second and centos3 the third.

This should be done using the command line on all 3 virtual machines (steps outlined below). Make note of the files used and entries required.

To view the available interface (should be eth0 but may sometimes be eth1) and it's configured ip address. Make note of the device name and hardware or mac address when you issue the following command: 

ip address show

The file we need to edit to assign a static IP address is located in the directory /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, and is named (note: you must create this file initially) ifcfg-eth# where # is the number corresponding to the interface you wish to assign a static ip address (obtained using the previous command). Sample syntax follows:
HWADDR=mac address for the device

Bring the interface down and back up to apply the changes (using ip link or ifdown/ifup). Try to ping, note there is no DNS resolution.

Issue the command cat /etc/resolv.conf, and observe the contents. This is the dns resolution library source. Edit your interface config file and add the following parameter at the bottom where x is your network number:

** Note: and are two free public DNS servers provided by Google. They are great addresses to remember when testing DNS.

Bring the interface down and back up again to apply the changes. Look at /etc/resolv.conf (using cat) again and notice the difference.

Remember these files, as we will be adding these additional options in lab 3.
  • DNS2=
  • DOMAIN= 
Test connectivity by pinging each of your VM's.

Try to ssh from the guest to the host machine, then from the host to the guest.

Try to ping matrix and google from your host machine. Record the ip address of each.

Try to ping matrix and google from each of your VM's to ensure you can reach the outside world (you will need to be authenticated to the network on your host machine).
User management

Find a partner for this step and create a user on your host machine that matches the user on their host.

Create a password for that user, but do not share it with your partner.

Have your partner run the following command on their host machine: 

ssh-keygen -t rsa

When you enter this command just hit ENTER for all the questions (though you may wish to set a passphrase for your key – remember what it is if you do!).

Your output should look something similar to this: 

Generating public/private rsa key pair. 
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/jmcarman/.ssh/id_rsa): 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /home/jmcarman/.ssh/id_rsa. 
Your public key has been saved in /home/jmcarman/.ssh/ 
The key fingerprint is: f5:07:8c:aa:b6:08:e0:45:81:ca:d6:88:8c:aa:1a:7b 
The key's randomart image is: 
+--[ RSA 2048]----+ 
 |      o+++           | 
 |  E .ooo..             | 
 |    ...o.                | 
 |       ...o .            | 
 |     .S+ + o.        | 
 |   . = . o .           | 
 |     o +               | 
 |  o +                  | 
 | . .                     | 

When you run that command you generate both halves of a paired-key encryption scheme. In order to be able to log in to another machine without a password, each machine needs one half. You keep the private key (in this case id_rsa), and you give the public key ( to the machine you want to log in to.

Issue the command ssh-copy-id username@ipaddress, and have your partner enter their credentials and password.

Have your partner attempt to ssh from their host to yours.

If they are prompted for a password, you have done something wrong. Make sure the path is correct, and that no one other than that user has write permission to their .ssh directory or the authorized_keys file (If anyone does, even that user's group, the ssh service will not consult that file).

Once they have successfully logged in without a password, use the usermod command to change their default shell to /sbin/nologin (with the -s option). They should no longer be able to log in.

You can use this command to edit many other things about your users, including their home directory, the group they belong to, their user id, etc.

Applying What We've Learned

Repeat these steps (for your own user) on your host and virtual machines, until you can ssh into each without a password

Your first attempt to ssh, a prompt will appear asking you to enter the passphrase (the one you entered when you created the key). Check the box that says "Automatically unlock this private key when I login"

Configuring a Service

A common, if somewhat blatant, way to try to hack into a machine is to try to ssh as root and brute-force the password.  The root user always exists, meaning the attacker doesn't need to try guessing what user names are on your system.  If they can get access to root, they can do anything.  To prevent this, we'll edit the configuration file for the ssh service to prevent root from ssh'ing into your host machine.

Use cat to display /etc/ssh/sshd_config on your host.

This file contains the configuration parameters for the ssh service.  Lines that begin with # are comments. Either simple explanations of parameters, or parameters that have not been set.

Open the man page for sshd_config.

This lists all the possible parameters in alphabetical order along with a brief explanation of what each one does.  The parameter we are looking for is PermitRootLogin, read its description.

Use an editor (e.g. vi) to open /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and find the line that has PermitRootLogin.

By default it is set to yes, allowing the root user to ssh in to the machine.
Uncomment it, and change it to no.

Now try to use ssh from one of your VMs to log into your host as root.  You'll still be able to. This is because (for most services) the changes you make to the configuration file do not take effect until the service restarts.

Restart the sshd service on your host and try to ssh in again. Now it should prevent you.

The configuration files for most services follow a very similar format. Some use an = between the parameter and its value, some require you to group certain parameters together, and most use # to be a comment. You will get lots of experience working with the configuration files for services in this course.
Completing the Lab

Thursday 2 July 2015

how to install virtual machines in centos host

Installing the virtualization software
You can now execute any command that requires elevated privileges without switching to root, as long as you type sudo before it and supply your user password (not your root password).  You will need to install some software to allow your machine to act as a host for virtual machines

sudo yum -y install @virtualization virt-manager libvirt

Start and enable the virtualization service
sudo systemctl start libvirtd
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd

Note that when starting libvirtd you may receive a warning 'virGetHostname: getaddrinfo failed for "Machine Name": Name or service not known. This will not interfere with your machines.

Reboot your machine (if you have not already as part of the installation process). If you do not, you will not be able to install any virtual machines.  Start the graphical virtual machine manager.  You will need to enter your root password.

Create your own virtual network
  1. Right click 'localhost (QEMU)' and select 'Details'. Click on the 'Virtual Networks' tab.
  2. Stop and delete the 'default' network.
  3. Use the plus sign to add a new virtual network using the following options.
    • Name your virtual network 'centos7'
    • Use the network address space as you want . Example, if you were want 11, the network address would be
    • Ensure the DHCP range will allow you to assign at least 3 static IP addresses outside it.
    • Choose 'Forwarding to physical network' radio button, 'Destination: Any physical device' and 'Mode: NAT'
    • Ensure the network is started at boot.
  4. Once completed open a terminal and observe and record the output of the following command:
iptables -t nat -L

Installing a Virtual Machine

With the virtualization software installed and your personal network created, you are now ready to create your first virtual machine.  Use your Centos 7 installation dvd (or alternately you can copy the ISO image to your hard drive and install from that).  The later option will result in a slightly faster install.


  • Click on the icon "Create a new virtual machine" to begin.
  • Name your machine "centos1" and choose your installation method - "Local install media". Choose the desired option to install from either the CD or iso. For "OS type" select "Linux" and for Version select "Red Hat Enterprise 6" then click on the "Forward" button.
  • Use the default memory and CPU options for use with lab computers (Depending on available hardware these settings can be adjusted). Then click on the "Forward" button to proceed.
  • Leave the disk image size set at 8GB, ensure "Allocate entire disk now" is checked, then click on the "Forward" button.
  • At the "Ready to begin installation" window click on 'Advanced options' arrow to review available options.
    • Select the Virtual Network named 'centos7'. Make note of any other available options .
  • Select 'Install to Hard Drive' to begin your Centos installation. Select the appropriate default options ).  The installation process should be identical to what you chose on the host, with the exception of the hostname.
  • During installation you will be prompted to set the root password and an initial user account. For the initial user, enter the same information you entered on your host machine.
  • Set your hostname to "centos1".

First Boot

  • You may notice that graphical windows are not being displayed properly. The following steps will resolve this.
    • At the first opportunity, shut the VM down. If you perform these steps while the machine is running it will claim they will be applied the next time the machine boots, but that does not work.
    • While the VM is off, click on 'View' (from the menu at the top of the VM window), and select 'Details'.
    • From the menu on the left side, select 'Video'.
    • Change the drop-down list for Model from 'Cirrus' to 'vga', and click apply.
    • Switch the view back to 'Console' and start the machine again.
  • Ensure your machine has a network connection by running the command
If that did not work, edit the line in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
should be
  • If you had to change that, bring the interface down and back up again
sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0
  • Once you have a working connection update your machine (this may take a while -- while you are waiting it is probably a good idea to update your host as well).
sudo yum -y update
  • Reboot the virtual machine once it is updated.
  • If your virtual machine hangs on boot, you will need to change a graphics option:
    • While the VM is off, click on 'View' (from the menu at the top of the VM window), and select 'Details'.
    • From the menu on the left side, select 'Display'.
    • Change the drop-down list for Type from 'VNC' to 'Spice', and click apply.
    • Switch the view back to 'Console' and start the machine again.
  • Now run the following commands and note the output. Note how they differ from the Centos installation on your host.
df -hT
cat /etc/fstab
cat /etc/issue
uname -a

Cloning a Virtual Machine

  • Now that you have one virtual machine working, you will create two more. If you struggled with the previous steps, repeat them to create two more virtual machines (naming them centos2 and centos3, with hostnames centos2 and centos3 respectively).
  • If you are confident with what you have done so far, you may clone your existing machine to create the others.
    • To quickly create additional VM's shutdown 'centos1', right click and select 'Clone...'. Use the following options:
  • Name: centos2
  • Storage:
    • Click the drop down menu below 'centos1.img', choose details and rename the image to the centos2.img
    • Once successfully created boot the new VM and correct the host name. This can be done using the GUI or command line.
    • Record in your notes how each is done.
    • Check for connectivity.
    • After creating centos2 repeat the above steps to create centos3 and correct the host name.

Backing up your Virtual Machines

You are responsible for backing up your virtual machines on a regular basis.  It is good practice to copy your back ups to a separate location (like a USB Flash Drive) once completed, so in the event your drive becomes damaged to the point that you can't access them all you need do is reinstall the host and restore your back ups.  i will upload info how to back up VMs in my next blog
thank you

how to create virtual machines on centos host

Installing the virtualization software
You can now execute any command that requires elevated privileges without switching to root, as long as you type sudo before it and supply your user password (not your root password).  You will need to install some software to allow your machine to act as a host for virtual machines

sudo yum -y install @virtualization virt-manager libvirt

Start and enable the virtualization service
sudo systemctl start libvirtd
sudo systemctl enable libvirtd

Note that when starting libvirtd you may receive a warning 'virGetHostname: getaddrinfo failed for "Machine Name": Name or service not known. This will not interfere with your machines.

Reboot your machine (if you have not already as part of the installation process). If you do not, you will not be able to install any virtual machines.  Start the graphical virtual machine manager.  You will need to enter your root password.

Create your own virtual network
  1. Right click 'localhost (QEMU)' and select 'Details'. Click on the 'Virtual Networks' tab.
  2. Stop and delete the 'default' network.
  3. Use the plus sign to add a new virtual network using the following options.
    • Name your virtual network 'ops335'
    • Use the network address space assigned to you. Example, if you were assigned 90, the network address would be
    • Ensure the DHCP range will allow you to assign at least 3 static IP addresses outside it.
    • Choose 'Forwarding to physical network' radio button, 'Destination: Any physical device' and 'Mode: NAT'
    • Ensure the network is started at boot.
  4. Once completed open a terminal and observe and record the output of the following command:
iptables -t nat -L

Installing a Virtual Machine

With the virtualization software installed and your personal network created, you are now ready to create your first virtual machine.  Use your Centos 7 installation dvd (or alternately you can copy the ISO image to your hard drive and install from that).  The later option will result in a slightly faster install.


  • Click on the icon "Create a new virtual machine" to begin.
  • Name your machine "centos1" and choose your installation method - "Local install media". Choose the desired option to install from either the CD or iso. For "OS type" select "Linux" and for Version select "Red Hat Enterprise 6" then click on the "Forward" button.
  • Use the default memory and CPU options for use with lab computers (Depending on available hardware these settings can be adjusted). Then click on the "Forward" button to proceed.
  • Leave the disk image size set at 8GB, ensure "Allocate entire disk now" is checked, then click on the "Forward" button.
  • At the "Ready to begin installation" window click on 'Advanced options' arrow to review available options.
    • Select the Virtual Network named 'ops335'. Make note of any other available options (you will need them again in the assignments).
  • Select 'Install to Hard Drive' to begin your Centos installation. Select the appropriate default options (You may wish to review your OPS235 notes to remind yourself what these are).  The installation process should be identical to what you chose on the host, with the exception of the hostname.
  • During installation you will be prompted to set the root password and an initial user account. For the initial user, enter the same information you entered on your host machine.
  • Set your hostname to "centos1".
Firstboot - First user created
For successful completion of the labs, please ensure the first user created is named using your Learn ID.

First Boot

  • You may notice that graphical windows are not being displayed properly. The following steps will resolve this.
    • At the first opportunity, shut the VM down. If you perform these steps while the machine is running it will claim they will be applied the next time the machine boots, but that does not work.
    • While the VM is off, click on 'View' (from the menu at the top of the VM window), and select 'Details'.
    • From the menu on the left side, select 'Video'.
    • Change the drop-down list for Model from 'Cirrus' to 'vga', and click apply.
    • Switch the view back to 'Console' and start the machine again.
  • Ensure your machine has a network connection by running the command
If that did not work, edit the line in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
should be
  • If you had to change that, bring the interface down and back up again
sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0
  • Once you have a working connection update your machine (this may take a while -- while you are waiting it is probably a good idea to update your host as well).
sudo yum -y update
  • Reboot the virtual machine once it is updated.
  • If your virtual machine hangs on boot, you will need to change a graphics option:
    • While the VM is off, click on 'View' (from the menu at the top of the VM window), and select 'Details'.
    • From the menu on the left side, select 'Display'.
    • Change the drop-down list for Type from 'VNC' to 'Spice', and click apply.
    • Switch the view back to 'Console' and start the machine again.
  • Now run the following commands and note the output. Note how they differ from the Centos installation on your host.
df -hT
cat /etc/fstab
cat /etc/issue
uname -a

Cloning a Virtual Machine

  • Now that you have one virtual machine working, you will create two more. If you struggled with the previous steps, repeat them to create two more virtual machines (naming them centos2 and centos3, with hostnames centos2 and centos3 respectively).
  • If you are confident with what you have done so far, you may clone your existing machine to create the others.
    • To quickly create additional VM's shutdown 'centos1', right click and select 'Clone...'. Use the following options:
  • Name: centos2
  • Storage:
    • Click the drop down menu below 'centos1.img', choose details and rename the image to the centos2.img
    • Once successfully created boot the new VM and correct the host name. This can be done using the GUI or command line.
    • Record in your notes how each is done.
    • Check for connectivity.
    • After creating centos2 repeat the above steps to create centos3 and correct the host name.

Backing up your Virtual Machines

You are responsible for backing up your virtual machines on a regular basis.  It is good practice to copy your back ups to a separate location (like a USB Flash Drive) once completed, so in the event your drive becomes damaged to the point that you can't access them all you need do is reinstall the host and restore your back ups.  To back up your virtual machines you can do them manually (as you did in OPS235 -- review the steps to do so there), or you can use this script that I have provided you.  It requires minimum configuration to make it work on your system, and only needs to be done once. 
To configure this script so it will work on your host, some changes will be required.  Modify the contents of the variables near the top of the script (below the large comment block) so that dpath represents the path on YOUR host.  spath and vms can be left unmodified, unless you didn't follow the naming convention for virtual machines outlined above.  In that case, you must change these to reflect what is available on your system.  If you require any assistance configuring or using this script, please ask.
Once your script is configured properly, save and exit the text editor you used to make the necessary changes.  From your command line, create the directory "backup" in your home directory
mkdir backup
Now, copy the script into the backup directory.  Change to that directory and make the script executable (using chmod +x).  To back up your virtual machines, issue the following command within the backup directory.
./vs -b
Backing up your virtual machines will still take on average 5-7 minutes per virtual machine.  The advantage to doing it this way is, you can go do something else while the process finishes.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

how to install linux based operating system centos7 on your host


Installation instructions for Centos 7

  1. Download a copy of the Centos 7 installation DVD (64 bit edition) from the Centos web site or burn the DVD using Seneca's Freedom Toaster which is located in the Open Lab on the 2nd floor of the TEL building. Note: we'll be using the 64 bit version of Centos because all of our lab computers are equiped with Intel 64 bit mainboards and CPUs. We'll also be using a Fedora iso for installing the virtual machines, but you will not need to burn that to a disc. It is faster to download the ISO and install directly from it. Finally, if you're going to burn your DVD using the Freedom Toaster then be sure to use a blank DVD-R disc. DVD+R discs sometimes fail to burn successfully.

  2. Insert your HDD into the docking bay of a PC in the lab and boot the computer using your installation DVD. If possible try to use the same PC for this course for the rest of the semester. Some PCs may be configured with slight hardware variations from others which may cause problems when moving your HDD from one system to another.
  3. Perform your installation following these guidelines:
    • wherever possible select the default options
    • set your hostname to your learn ID.
    • set Toronto as your time zone
    • For the installation type, choose 'Graphical Server'
    • set the root password
  4. After completing the installation, remove the DVD and reboot from your HDD.
Tip: Boot Menu
If you got the boot failure message, restart the computer and press [F10] to get to the boot menu, select the Hard Disk as boot device and continue.

Booting your system

  1. create a user named with your learn ID
  2. Login as the user you created and open a terminal window. Then use 'su' to become root and run the 'yum update' command. Reboot after all updates have completed. Now that your system is up to date, again login using your learnid and do the following:
    • Verify that your system date and time are correct. If not then set the correct system date and time.
    • Verify that your network is functioning.
    • Run and record the output of the 'df -hT' command.
    • Run and record the output of the 'cat /etc/fstab' command.
    • Run and record the output of the 'cat /etc/issue' command.
    • Run and record the output of the 'uname -a' command.
  3. Under Applications > System Tools right click both "Terminal" and "Virtual Machine Manager" and select "Add this launcher to panel"

Configuring a Linux Gateway

At this point you have a basic Centos 7 installed and updated. This will serve as a host for the virtual machines where you will do the majority of the work in this course. All the rest of our labs will assume you have this basic system running. If, for any reason, your system becomes corrupted during the semester, you'll have to redo this lab to be able to continue with the remaining uncompleted labs. You are responsible for YOUR system. If you do not perform back-ups you have taken this risk on yourself. Poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for anyone else.
Configuring Sudo
Switch to root using su or su- (remember su- switches you to root and places you in root's home directory, with root's profile settings.  su switches you to root, but with your current user's profile settings and does not change your working directory).

Issue the following command:


Wikipedia has useful information on why we use visudo instead of directly editing the /etc/sudoers file.  It is worth looking at as it may appear on next week's quiz.

Sudo can be configured to allow multiple users administrative access without giving anyone else the root password.  Additionally you can configure sudo to only allow users to execute specific commands with elevated (root) privilges.  Sudo works much the same as Run As Administrator in Windows.  For additional information, I found this video provided a very good explaination:

After issuing the visudo command, find the line that reads as follows:

root ALL=(ALL) ALL

What this means is allow root to run from any terminal (first all), acting as any user (second all), and execute any command (third all).  Below this line, add the following (without the curly braces):

{learnid} ALL=ALL

Configuring your Hostname

Configure your hostname on your host OS to be c6host, by issuing the following command.

sudo vi /etc/hostname
Configure your hostname on your host OS to be c6host, by issuing the following command.  Change the line that reads HOSTNAME=localhost.localdomain (or whatever it contains if it does not exactly match this) to the following:

Note that this change will not take effect until after you reboot, however since you will need to reboot to apply other changes later that  makes sense to do this all at once.

Installing the virtualization software

working with pipline

Working with Pipelines

 A Pipeline Example
The pipeline is an old concept developed in the UNIX command language.  It is a series of commands connected by pipeline operators “|”. Each pipeline operator sends the results of the preceding command to the next command.  The result is a very powerful command chain or "pipeline" that is comprised of a series of simple commands. where the output of one command becomes the input for the next, like stages on an assembly line.  As the data passes through the pipeline it is refined at each stage.  In a pipeline, the commands are processed from left to right in the order that they appear. The processing is handled as a single operation and output is displayed as it is generated. For example:
Type:  get-process taskmgr | Stop-Process

Parameter binding is done either by “by value”, which means that the piped object must be of the same type as the parameter object or be able to be converted to it, or “by PropertyName, which means the piped object must have the same name as the parameter of the input command.
To find out which parameters are able to be used in a pipeline, type the following:
Error Checking the Pipeline
Type: get-help stop-process –parameter *
Figure 2: Finding Cmdlet Parameters
We see that the Name parameter accepts pipeline input, but only as a propertyname which means that the get-process command must find the string name of the process and pass that to the name parameter of the stop-process.  We can see the pipeline process in real time using the trace-command.  This is an excellent command to debug the pipeline process when errors occur.
Type:  trace-command -name parameterbinding -expression {get-process taskmgr | `
stop-process} -pshost -filepath debugTaskmgr.txt
Note: the line continuation character “`” when you have long lines of text.
                Figure 3: Using the Trace-Command to Discover Pipeline Errors
Open the debugTaskmgr file.  We can see that the binding failed because the name parameter “taskmgr” could not be found by the get-process cmdlet so the Stop-Process name parameter had nothing to bind to and could not execute.  The reason of course is that we didn’t open the application Task Manager before running the command. Open Task Manager and run the
 Get-Process taskmgr | Stop-Process pipeline again.
Notice that each command in the pipeline is executed separately; the get-process command searches the running processes and finds the name and ID of the taskmgr process and passes this information to
Figure 4: Get-Process Taskmgr Output
the stop-process command. The stop-process binds the input name to its property name and then uses the associated ID number to close the program.
By combining cmdlets together using the pipe operator, we can create powerful compound commands that process the data as it travels through the pipeline.  A graphical example is below.  Suppose there was a cmdlet called get shapes.  This command returns a collection of object shapes installed on the local system. 
Get-Shapes    |
|OUT-FILE OrangeShapes.txt
WHERE-OBJECT { $_ .Color -eq  orange”}  |
Figure 4:Graphical Example of Pipelining
The output of this command becomes the input for the Where-Object cmdlet which filters the collection based on the expression contained in the script blocks.  In this case, it selects only the objects which are equal to orange in color.  Notice a new variable “$_”; this is an automatic variable which is created by PowerShell to hold each item in the pipeline.  Each item in the collection is processed one at a time; then the output is piped to the Sort-Object cmdlet which arranges the orange objects in ascending order.  This sorted list is then sent to the Out-file cmdlet which takes the input and formats it into a table contained in a file.  You can see that when working with pipes the order of the commands is important, for example you can’t  Sort-Object | Get-Sharps, or Out-File| Sort Object.
A Practical Pipeline Example
A typical network job is finding specific processes running on a local system.  The Get-Process cmdlet returns a collection of running processes.  Suppose you wanted to find all the Internet explore processes and output the information to a file.
Type: Get-Process
Type: Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name –eq “iexplore”} | Sort-Object | Out-File IEProcess.txt
Note: an alternate method to use the “`” escape character as an end of line marker, is to press the enter key after a command and PowerShell will display an additional line prompt”>>” to complete the command.
The next command Sort-Object filters the collection looking only for iexplore processes.  Sort-Object takes the entire filtered collection and sorts it ascending by name, which is the default, since we did not add any parameters.  The Sort-object command is called a sequential mode pipeline because sorting cannot begin until the entire collection has been received, working on each item one at a time.  This mode is slow and hogs memory because results are returned only after all commands finish their work and the pipeline has to store the entire results of each command.  Normally, however, the pipeline works on each item-by-item in what is called streaming mode.  In this mode, every single result is passed directly onto the subsequent command. This mode is quick and saves memory because results are output while the pipeline commands are still performing their tasks; the pipeline only stores a single item at a time in the $_ variable.  The final result is piped to a file called IEProcess.txt
 We need to be careful when pipelining specially on commands like Sort-object   because if the collection is large, it can take long time to complete.  PowerShell will look like it is frozen and you could run out of memory and crash your system.  Commands like Get-ChildItem C:\ -recurse | Sort-Object  --- Would likely crash your system-- Do Not execute this command!
Using the Out-Host –Paging CmdLet to Save System Resources
The Out-Host -Paging command is a useful pipeline element whenever you want to display a lengthy output slowly. It is especially useful if the operation is very CPU-intensive because processing is transferred to the Out-Host cmdlet page by page, and the cmdlet that precedes it in the pipeline halt their operation until the next page of output is available. You can see this if you use the Windows Task Manager to monitor the CPU and memory consumed by Windows PowerShell. For example, run the following commands:
Type: taskmgr  . Click on the Performance tab to monitor CPU usage.
Type: Get-ChildItem C:\windows –recurse    Record the usage
Type: Get-ChildItem c:\windows –recurse | Out-Host –paging  Record the usage.
                Figure 5: Comparing CPU Usage Using Out-Host -Paging Cmdlet
The Out-Host –paging command provides a significant saving in system resources, but requires user interaction during the pipeline to process each page.
Modifying Pipeline Execution: Whatif Confirm and Suspend
PowerShell provides some common parameters to modify the execution of the pipeline.
Common Parameters[1]

Tells the cmdlet not to execute; instead it will tell you what would happen if the cmdlet were to actually run.

Tells the cmdlet to prompt prior to executing the command.

-verbose  .

Instructs the cmdlet to provide a higher level of detail than a cmdlet not using the verbose parameter.
- Instructs the cmdlet to provide debugging information.
- Instructs the cmdlet to perform a certain action when an error occurs. Allowable actions are: continue, stop, SilentlyContinue, and inquire.
Instructs the cmdlet to use a specific variable to hold error information. This is in addition to the standard $error variable.
Instructs the cmdlet to use a specific variable to hold the output information.
Instructs the cmdlet to hold a certain number of objects prior to calling the next cmdlet in the pipeline
For example, suppose we want to stop all notepad processes on the local system.  To illustrate open two instances of notepad:
Type: notepad
Type: notepad
Type: Get-Process |Where-Object { $_.Name –eq “Notepad”}
Figure 6: Output of the Notepad pipe
This confirms two sessions are currently active. Now suppose we type a command like the following:
Type:   Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name –like “n*”} | Stop-Process –whatif
Figure 7: Using the Whatif Common Parameter
Your system display will be different than the above screenshot.  The –whatif parameter gives you the opportunity to model the command prior to execution showing you what will happen.  Now you can modify the command to get the desired result.
The –confirm parameter is similar to the whatif, but prompts you for a yes selection prior to execution.
Type:  Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name –like “n*”} | Stop-Process –Confirm
Figure 8:Using the Confirm Common Parameter
 Adding the confirm parameter also provides a “quick and dirty” menu for user preference. You can also use the –suspend parameter which suspends the execution of the command and opens a nested command prompt so you can execute another command.  When that command is finished, you type exit to return to the suspended command.  For example:
The use of whatif,
confirm and suspend parameters are essential  tools for administrators. Using them to model commands before execution can save hours of work each year.
Type: Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name –like “n*”} | Stop-Process –Confirm
Type: press s for suspend -- notice the prompt now looks like this “>>”. This means a child shell has been launched inside the parent shell.
Type: mspaint
Type: Get-Process | Where-Object { $_.Name –eq “ms*”} | Stop-Process -confirm
Type:  8   (enter key)
Type: exit – this returns to the parent shell and the suspended command
Type: 8   (enter key) twice to close the 2 notepad sessions.
Using the Tee-Object and Pass Through Parameters
So far the pipeline is one linear action, however, there are times when an administrator needs to access the items travelling through the pipeline.  The most common example is logging.  Suppose you are administering a network and you want to get a listing of all the bad processes which will be stopped.   If you wait to the end of the pipeline, it’s too late to create a log file.  The bad processes don’t exist anymore.  You need to create the log file in the middle of the pipeline.  This is a job for the Tee-Object; it makes the pipeline go in two directions at once.
Type: mspaint
Type:  Get-Process mspaint| Tee-Object  -file kill.log |Stop-Process
Type: Get-Content kill.log
An alternate method of saving the bad process to a log file is to use the passthru parameter with the Stop-Process cmdlet.  This is a linear process, but the passthru parameter allows the system prompting to pass through the pipeline which can be captured to a file at the end of the pipeline.  Without the passthru parameter or the Tee-Object cmdlet there would be nothing to log after the Stop-Process command finished.
Type: Get-Process mspaint| Stop-Process –passthru > kill.log
Measuring and Comparing Objects
A common scenario for a network administrator is to provide the number, maximum and minimum size of files and comparing the differences between two objects.  The first procedure is best performed with the Measure-Object cmdlet.  For simple statistics, this is the best choice.  It is much easier to use than a foreach loop.  The compare-Object cmdlet uses one object as a reference to find differences in the other object.  This is an excellent tool to compare scripts when one is working and the other is not.
The Measure-Object cmdlet calculates three types of measurements on objects. It can count objects and calculate the minimum, maximum, sum, and average of the numeric values. For text objects, it can count and calculate the number of lines, words, and characters.
Make sure you are in your documents folder.
Type: Get-ChildItem  –recurse |Measure-Object –property length –min –max –average –sum
The command looks at the length property of all the files in the documents folder and subfolders and calculates the minimum length, maximum length, average and sum of all files.
Type Get-Content echoname.cmd | Measure-Object –character –line –word
All scripters will eventually have to compare two objects or collections to find the differences, things added or deleted.  The Compare-Object cmdlet knows how to loop over the objects or collections, without having to write an iterative control structure.  One object is declared a “reference set” which Compare-Object uses to identify the “difference set”. Let’s compare the two scripts we wrote in week 2 echoname.cmd and echoname.ps1.
Type: Compare-Object  -referenceobject $(get-content .\echoname.cmd)8
 –differenceobject $(get-content .\echoname.ps1) –includeequal